What are Waistbeads and why wear them?
Waistbeads (WB) are believed to date back to the Trans-Saharan trade, 700BC. People used shells, wood, and other adornments to string together Waistbeads that were traded and shared throughout the different regions around the Sahara Desert. Over time, many West Africans continued to design and create Waistbeads, developing their own usages and interpretations.
Since there are a myriad of interpretations and usages, how you use your Waistbeads will be centred around your intentions with it. Below are a few of the usages.
Weight Fluctuations
Waistbeads can support you to track fluctuations in your weight e.g. when your WB feels tighter or looser it signifies an increase or decrease in weight.
Be Present
Waistbeads are a gentle reminder to connect/reconnect with your body, mind and spirit. As a result, WBs will support you to stay grounded and aware of your physical, spiritual and mental needs. This is amplified with the pairing of practices that include the use of meditation, affirmations and crystals.
Connect to Roots
WBs have been adorned by women in most African tribes for centuries. Wearing a WB is continuing the rich legacy of traditions and culture of Ancient African women for those in the diaspora.
Connect with Divine Feminine
WBs are used to embrace and celebrate womanhood and sexuality. They are a source of aphrodisiac and when worn below the navel increases your connection to your sacral chakra (where spiritual wisdom, creative, emotional and sexual energies are stored).
Body Contouring/Fashion Statement
WBs are used to accentuate your figure and can be adorned as a tool to express a passion for fashion.
WBs can be worn as permanent jewellery with the traditional tie-ons or as a removable jewellery with clasps. The removable WBs can be worn for specific occasions or represent personal milestones.